Visiting Program 2024

On the Visiting Program page you will find a report on the 2024 visiting program, as well as press articles.

New biography online:

Hermann Freudenberger

A Conversation with Dr. Dave Tell and Angelika Rieber

Find the link to the video in our news section.

Visiting program 2023:
At the end of June 2023, a group of children and grandchildren of former Frankfurters visited the former home of their ancestors as guests of the city.
On the Visiting Program page you will find a report on the 2023 visiting program, as well as press articles.

The Newsletter July 2022 has been published.

Visit program 2022 – “Together we we still have much work to do!”

More about the visiting program in June 2022 you`ll find under this Link.

The “Newsletter September 2021 has been published.

Visiting Program 2019
In June a group of former citizens of Frankfurt and their descendants were invited to the city of Frankfurt, the former home of their parents or grandparents. The invitation of the city gave them the opportunity to see the sites of the grandparents`childhood and youth, visit their houses, the area they lived in, the graves of relatives and former schools. Reports and Pictures

Report about the visit of Renata Harris to commemorate the Kindertransporte , which saved up to 20 000 children 80 years ago here
Further Information

Frank Felsenstein writes in The Times of Israel about his visit to Frankfurt.

Booklaunch: Rettet wenigstens die Kinder
The project has collected several biographies of former visitors who were saved by the Kindertransport. 20 of these biographies have now been published in a book: More information and reviews here

On the History of the Project
Jewish Life in Frankfurt see the new rex_article_content at About us

Interviews with contemporary witnesses

Interviews in cooperation between the PJLF and the HLZ:

Persecuted in the Time of National Socialism – Contemporary witnesses report

On the German version of this website you can find videos of interviews with the contemporary witnesses (2021)

  • Liesel Binzer
  • Gisela Jäckel
  • Ingrid Oppermann
  • Eva Szepesi

There are also suitable teaching materials.


Interviews in cooperation between the PJLF, the State Image Center of Hesse and the Fritz Bauer Institute, Frankfurt (1992 to 1995)

Martha und Erwin Hirsch

“… dass wir nicht erwünscht waren”

Dorothy Baer

“Sie haben mir den Abschied sehr leicht gemacht”

Marianne Schwab

“Ich habe immer noch ein bisschen Sehnsucht und Heimweh”

Trude Levi

“Ich habe den Krieg gewonnen!”

Schülerinnen und Schüler der Ziehenschule in Frankfurt/Main begegnen der Zeitzeugin Trude Levi

Die Gesamtlänge des Films beträgt 93 Minuten und hat 3 Teile (Kapitel),
die auch einzeln aufgerufen werden können:
1: Heimat und Deportation 34‘
2: Zwangsarbeit und Todesmarsch 34‘
3: Entwurzelung und Odyssee 25‘