Visiting Program 2024
New information to the upcoming Visiting Program under News!

A Conversation with Dr. Dave Tell and Angelika Rieber

Find the link to the video in our news section.

Press release

In the News section you’ll know find an english version of the press release of the Project Jewish Life in Frankfurt considering the first encounter of the participants and the representatives of the participating schools of Frankfurt on june 27th.

Visit program 2023:
At the end of June 2023, a group of children and grandchildren of former Frankfurters will once again visit the former home of their ancestors as guests of the city.
For the 2022 visit program, see here.

The Newsletter July 2022 has been published.

Visit program 2022 – “Together we we still have much work to do!”

“Together we still have much work to do!”, with this appeal for the future, Wendy Schmelzer summed up the conclusion of her visit during her speech at the final reception in Frankfurt’s Römer. She was part of a group of children and grandchildren of former Frankfurter citizens who were guests in the former home of their parents and grandparents from 8th to 15th June at the invitation of the City of Frankfurt.
More about the visit program 2022 you`ll find under this Link.

The “Newsletter September 2021 has been published.

Visiting Program 2019
In June a group of former citizens of Frankfurt and their descendants were invited to the city of Frankfurt, the former home of their parents or grandparents. The invitation of the city gave them the opportunity to see the sites of the grandparents`childhood and youth, visit their houses, the area they lived in, the graves of relatives and former schools. Reports and Pictures

Report about the visit of Renata Harris to commemorate the Kindertransporte , which saved up to 20 000 children 80 years ago here
Further Information

Frank Felsenstein writes in The Times of Israel about his visit to Frankfurt.

Booklaunch: Rettet wenigstens die Kinder
The project has collected several biographies of former visitors who were saved by the Kindertransport. 20 of these biographies have now been published in a book: More information and reviews here

On the History of the Project
Jewish Life in Frankfurt see the new rex_article_content at About us

Unsere Wurzeln sind hier in Frankfurt

Begegnungen mit ehemaligen Frankfurterinnen und Frankfurtern jüdischer Herkunft und ihren Kindern, Hrsg.: Rieber, Angelika, Karben 2013


  • Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Peter Feldmann
  • Bildungsdezernentin der Stadt Frankfurt, Sarah Sorge


Zurück in Frankfurt
- mit gemischten Gefühlen. Ehemalige Frankfurterinnen und Frankfurter besuchen ihre frühere Heimat (Angelika Rieber)

Biographien und Begegnungen

  • I came here to find my roots Varda Albalach (Katja Walther)
  • Zwei Cousinen – so fern und doch so nah Ruth Alter, geb. Eschwege (Edith Conrad)
  • Die deutsche Kultur des Vaters war immer präsent
  • Giselle Croitoru-Federmann (Katja Walther, Angelika Rieber, Sandra Vucic)
  • Channel Crossing Life Renata Harris (Brigitte Borgel, Angelika Rieber)
  • Deutschland ist ein schönes Land Ronit Hauer und Ruth Shaul (Gaby Thielmann)
  • Wir kommen ganz sicher wieder Yoram Igael (Ellen Holz, Angelika Rieber, Katja Walther)
  • Die Eltern wollten nie wieder nach Deutschland Die Geschwister Israel (Renate Rauch)
  • Durch seine lebendige Art ist ihr Vater in Bingen in Erinnerung geblieben Andrea Jacobs (Gaby Thielmann)
  • War ich innerlich bereit, nach Deutschland zu fahren? Miriam Liver, geb. Spier (Christa Fischer)
  • Ambassadors for the city of Frankfurt, Carol Loeb-Meyers und Susan Loeb-Zeitlin (Marianne Karpf, Angelika Rieber)
  • Der Sohn erfüllt den Wunsch seines verstorbenen Vaters, Patrick Nussbaum (Renate Rauch)
  • Australien trifft Deutschland, I am half German, half Greek, Ralph Penglis (Marianne Karpf)
  • Gewonnenes Leben, Estelle Dzienciol, geb. Bergmann(Marianne Karpf)
  • Gemischte Gefühle, Micha Ramati (Angelika Rieber)
  • Tauchfahrt in die Familiengeschichte, Evelyn Schneider (Ellen Holz, Dr. Dieter Wolf)
  • They were proud Germans, Ron Sommers (Angelika Rieber, Hans-Peter Klein)
  • Heartache as well as Gratification, Herbert Stern und seine Frau Margot, geb. Kahn (Angelika Rieber)

Zurück zu den Wurzeln
Was bedeutet der Besuch der Kinder ehemaliger Frankfurterinnen und Frankfurter in Deutschland für die nachfolgenden Generationen? (Angelika Rieber)

Wir sind alle Frankfurter Erfahrungen über Erinnern in der Gruppe (Susanna Keval)

Fallstricke und Herausforderungen für die Organisation von Begegnungen mit Zeitzeugen (Angelika Rieber)